Forum: Ernährung - Globale Erwärmung reduziert Proteingehalt von pflanzlichen Nahrungsmitteln

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:-) 6476 Kommentare Angemeldet am: 04.06.2014

"Rising carbon dioxide levels from global warming will drastically reduce the amount of protein in staple crops like rice and wheat, leaving vulnerable populations at risk of growth stunting and early death, experts warned on Wednesday.
The study, led by Harvard University researchers, is the first to quantify the impacts of global warming on the protein levels of crops.
It relies on data from open field experiments in which plants were exposed to high concentrations of CO2.
Protein was not the only nutrient to take a major hit.
Other research has shown that rising CO2 will cut key minerals like iron and zinc in staple crops, leading to further nutritional deficiencies worldwide."


Spannend. Dabei ist es erst mal egal, ob der CO2 anstieg mensch-gemacht ist oder nicht. Auch eine Klimaerwärmung oder nicht ist erst mal irrelevant.

Der CO2 gehalt der Atmosphäre steigt (Fakt!, meßbar) und hat offenbar einen (negativen) Einfluß auf Protein- und Mineralstoffgehalt von pflanzlichen Nahrungsmitteln.

Allein DAS sollte uns zu denken geben (und den Veganern/Vegetariern gleich doppelt).


Rising carbon dioxide levels from global warming will drastically reduce the amount of protein in staple crops like rice and wheat, leaving vulnerable populations at risk of growth stunting and early death, experts warned on Wednesday.

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Rising carbon dioxide levels from global warming will drastically reduce the amount of protein in staple crops like rice and wheat, leaving vulnerable populations at risk of growth stunting and early death, experts warned on Wednesday.

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Rising carbon dioxide levels from global warming will drastically reduce the amount of protein in staple crops like rice and wheat, leaving vulnerable populations at risk of growth stunting and early death, experts warned on Wednesday.

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Rising carbon dioxide levels from global warming will drastically reduce the amount of protein in staple crops like rice and wheat, leaving vulnerable populations at risk of growth stunting and early death, experts warned on Wednesday.

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Rising carbon dioxide levels from global warming will drastically reduce the amount of protein in staple crops like rice and wheat, leaving vulnerable populations at risk of growth stunting and early death, experts warned on Wednesday.

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Rising carbon dioxide levels from global warming will drastically reduce the amount of protein in staple crops like rice and wheat

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Rising carbon dioxide levels from global warming will drastically reduce the amount of protein in staple crops like rice and wheat

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Rising carbon dioxide levels from global warming will drastically reduce the amount of protein in staple crops like rice and wheat

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Jennifer K. 5 Kommentare Angemeldet am: 05.06.2017

Sehr interessanter Bericht, das werde ich weiter verfolgen.

Ich esse sehr gerne Gemüse und Hülsenfrüchte, aber Fleisch auch.

Für Veganer und Vegetarier könnte das zum Problem werden.

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